Public records
Public records

public records public records

Both electronic and hard copy records are maintained statewide in dozens of NDOT offices and on multiple servers. Records are not always readily accessible.Due to the volume of requests, records accessibility, staff availability and legal constraints, we may need a few days or weeks to locate and produce requested records.If necessary, we will ask for clarification in order to expedite the search for relevant records. Pursuant to NRS Chapter 239.0107, we will acknowledge receipt of your request and provide you a status report within five business days.Include the requestor's contact information, including email, mailing address and phone number.This will focus and expedite our records search. Details regarding locations, dates, project or contract numbers are helpful. Be specific and reduce the scope of your request as much as possible.We will coordinate the records search and NDOT's response with appropriate staff.


Fill in the online Request From above, or complete the PDF form and submit via email or mail to to the NDOT Records Management.Concise, typewritten requests are preferred.Written requests are necessary as we must track a high volume of active requests, and we want to ensure everyone gets a quick, accurate and thorough response.Guidelines for Submitting a Public Records Request If you do not receive the confirming email, please resubmit your request. *Please note: a Public Records staff member will confirm, via email, that a request was received within two (2) business days from the submittal date. NDOT Public Records Request Form PDF (Complete and submit via email or mail)*.NDOT Public Records Request Form (Complete and submit)*.Public Records Request Form & Contact Information Please contact your NDOT project manager or staff representative for assistance if the records you need are directly related to an NDOT project that you are currently working on. Nevada State Library Archives & Public RecordsĪctive NDOT Contractors, Consultants and Vendors General Inquiries & Questions (Information requests, except for documents) Please see Subpoenas Duces Tecum below for instructions on serving a subpoena. Please see Public Records Request Form & Contact Info below to submit a request for public records. Our policy is to provide copies or access to unrestricted public records as expeditiously as possible. Notice: If you did not receive an email acknowledgement from a Public Records staff member within two (2) business days from your original request, please resubmit your request directly to If you continue to experience any problems submitting your request please call 77. Advisory Working Group Information and Application Portal.Nevada Sustainable Transportation Funding Study and Advisory Working Group +.

Public records